Tuesday, June 26, 2007

advice from the young

you shouldn't have a baby if you are yourself a baby,
then actually start to love him. that's just dumb.
but if you're dumb and do it, then
don't next put his discovering & flourishing above all other things
instead listen (listen ok)
don't even give him tips about how to learn to talk
you'll be better off, i swear. then he can never ever speak.
then he can never say "it's because of you i'm so fucked up, mum
i fucken hate you and i always will, you made me be this way"
and really make you sob the way he did just now. i mean
that's if i had a son. of course, i'm only guessing here,
i don't have one of my own.
but i'm guessing i'd be better off if he was silenced.
or someone would. you know.

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